My strength is to overcome OPTION I with my innate OPTION II; you might like it or not - by the founder of the missing science, Dr. Peter Meier; (DEUTSCH)
OPTION Ijust trendy Are YOU FIT 4 for Intentional Synergy? OPTION IImakes inner sense
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This presentation over two sites, covers the two topics SYNERGY and its BENEFIT, which you get when you acquire, understand and implement YOUR Business Blueprint, which is congruent to who you innately are. It allows you to apply yourself with synergy between your “right brainy” life experience and the “left brainy” thinking about it while considering the personally neutral lessons that entails. This OPTION II transcends the mere intellectual OPTION I, which reduces you to your wordy left brain trying to grasp itself in politically correct ways, excluding the inner experience and its personally relevant lessons and opportunities, which it puts down as “subjective”. Understanding this properly, you can begin with a business and its tasks, and fulfill them in a lifefulfilling way... Imagine what a pilot needs to learn for you to trust him; here we talk about you piloting your life - first with a subset of what lifefulfillment demands you to do to shape your business so it works for you, and not the other way round...
©Copyright 2014 except for personal usage, Dr. Peter Meier