The F1-Breakthrough with one’s OPTION II overcomes the onset of the
mental distortions occurring under OPTION I - by Dr. Peter Meier
Please click the arrow below to understand the corruption of F1 due to OPTION I:
Considering the already dealt with US-mentality
(USM), I am exemplifying the F1-bottleneck
towards OPTION II: Without breaking through it,
every human undertaking ends with disaster:
The O=functional orientation about F1 [Facebook note
awaits your understanding and comment] is about tuning into
the way you get to the sustainably desirable future outcome in
a lifefulfilling way by making your present input available and
qualifying by tuning it appropriately with your inner resources in
an ethically fulfilling way. Children learn to do it better or worse
while they try to fit in towards the expectations and examples of
their parents, and/or their inner drive for lifefulfillment based on
their inner being...
With the M=contextual manipulation of any input and feedback,
people are unwilling to really know, learn and understand;
impatient, ambitious, greedy and fearful: in short people under
OPTION I, try to force a short-cut from the present to the
wishful future! They instrumentalize others and the environ-
ment; without any O-conscience, up to cannibalization even of
their own lives up to risking that on Earth; through the fig leaves
of this OPTION I mental filter to F1, the 41 pre-trans-trap of
Peace and War, substance less! But
- M / O = STRESS < DEATH applies! Being coerced by the
mass, manipulated by spin doctors, or by a perpetrator, one
who has to pretend, his victim being forced, to be mass-
attractive by 4-pacifying others under OPTION I, or otherwise
having to face some 1-very bad punishment and/or getting
mobbed, causes stress! Without inner understanding allowing
prevention through taking self-determined measures to
balance M / O, eventually leads to death that ends the stress.
At first, compared to Life- through Task-Fulfillment based on
inner honesty, that may seem the easier path for weak spirits,
or when one is weakened by one’s OPTION I conditioning...
In the above example of the 6Cw/B5-US-mentality the F1/41
filter makes it all shine in terms of the American Dream and that
makes it easy for the elite, to implement the zeitgeist addressing
the %1-political correctness 41-pre-trans-trapping anybody who
dares to give out an 3-unsatisfactory c-profile towards Om-
multiplying an Objective for a L1-loving engagement, to say, fix
up thinking- and management-catastrophes before they end up
in human catastrophes such as 1912 on Titanic, or 1986, the
Challenger Disaster - and worse cases - and all in disregard of
the USA taking essentially the F5-initiative to Cw-work out the
Communication that allows B5-Life- through Task-Fulfillment,
eventually not with and for a dream, but towards and on
LifeFulfilling Platforms!
©Copyright 2014 except for personal usage, Dr. Peter Meier
the USA tries to maintain the world-wide position power over the virtual
zeitgeist which sets the political and economical scene for what people call “us”
in the vain hope, other people would go along with them and vice versa, that
they can have a desirable communion with “them”:
As a word, it has been corrupted and fragmented in its meaning as most key
words especially in western languages. What I mean here is a performance that
works a specific input out of an internal state towards a desirable end like
digestion, here specifically between past-present-future giving rise to F1-9 in
the context of your life towards its fulfillment with OPTION II.
born as
a human being which strives, open for its OPTION II in view of the unavoidable
end of one’s life, to become generative towards lifefulfilling experiences (soul),
which requires congruence with one’s inner principle with it relationship truths.
Such an oegp allows understanding one’s own being and that others...
For the Chinese, performing a function is YANG , while providing s context
for it is YIN , just as the male-female stereotypes. In terms of getting
emotionally aroused by the environment (m-tension), self (A-anger) and
towards society (G-guilt), there are 8 emotional roles such as Father-Mother
(tradition) 1st Son-1st Daughter (succession), 2S-2D (alternative) and 3S-3D
(initiative) as the basis for the M>social mAG-context. Human history so fas is
the evolution of emotions made mass-attractive in family structure, those in
social one’s and in our days in mental one’s, now globally possible towards the
permanently self-destructive zeitgeist - the end-phase of OPTION I...
In terms of the so-called evolution of species, it was demonstrated that all the potential of
all different dogs are already genetically present in the DNA of the wolf. Similarly Applied
Personal Science APS© has proven, that all the options a human being such as YOU
have for the above indicated OPTION I evolution, stem from the one open-ended
generative principle, out of 1728 possible ones, that does justice to your OPTION II.
And yet the OPTION I scribes and spin doctors still keep you in their
MATRIX with outrageously M/O-disastrous ideologies about the nature of
human beings the Creator being displaced by “evolution”, so Creatures
up to you and Creation within reach of the economy can be cannibalized, starting from
pedophile priests, all to maintain their substance less OPTION I at all costs!
Starting with Theo-Ideo-logical speculations about this way a man-made idol-god to be
able to evoke the zeitgeist up to the “New World Order”; the mother of all present evil!
It began by EL3-priests interpreting the day-rhythm seemingly standing still around the
shortest day, for the people to be kept on EL3, as the gods demanding the sacrifice of
children to resume it towards spring. Similarly when the elite has organized a crisis/war
for the same purpose, the people are made to pay the bill, in the last century, the worst
so far, coming mainly from so-called “Christian” cultures, with awesome human
sacrifices close to an atomic holocaust - still ongoing, predominately with the thinking-
catastrophes which lead to the OPTION I problem - mad evilness despite everybody
with just some common sense left, should know better! But remember, knowing better,
disturbs the 4-peace in the MATRIX and its wardens, considering themselves the elite...
In Matthew 10:34 Jesus said: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace (F1/41)
to the earth (so you can EL3 divide and rule people with even more powerful rhetoric
than “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”). I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” => Me,
here, I am dividing OPTION I from OPTION II conceptually (above), in order to give you
the basics for a proper choice to either
leave your F1/41 filter in place without any substantial hope, confined
under OPTION I, e.g. in Facebook most people just try to 4-appease
each other until someone begins to 1-outcast someone, who is not “in”;
beggars begging each other for clicking attention up to 4-hypes and 1-shit storms,
or in the USM 5Cw example to the left, specifically, to
overcome the filter which leaves the MATRIX I closed, by understanding YOUR
innate OPTION II resource (USM: c) towards its qualification (USM: 3) for the
fulfillment (USM: L1) for which you are here and have been created!
In the USM 5Cw-example (to the left), this principle in addition to the generally imposed
OPTION I F1/41 filter, is susceptible to falling for it by its temptation to seek social
compatibility in its limiting political correctness, in the case of the US-mentality, to actually
dominate the global %1, the zeitgeist, with its “American Dream”, and then, by all
available means...
The world is full of attempts to obscure the basic two options
outlined here, with mythologies and ideologies; usually aimed at
ruling out OPTION II in order to rule people under the embellished
and idolized OPTION I. People under its spell have meanwhile
been conditioned to firstly censor themselves with the F1/41 filter
in the name of assuming they are thus contributing to the “common
good”. Basically humanity has so far, via politics and the economy
evolved in cultivating the F1/41 idolatry; by now synchronized
globally by the media, no priests and wardens needed anymore!
The remaining question is whether you have sufficiently understood your two basic
options: Are you willing with your OPTION II, to personally demean the F1/41 socially
conditioned filter in your mental operating system so that you can specifically under-
stand YOUR OPTION II and also, how your OPTION I tries to dominate your mind, to
then become FIT421 to also overcome your inner temptation, for which the F1/41 filter
provides the context, just as a body that is too acid, does for cancer cells, politically
screwed up countries do for banksters, corruption, and terrorists, up to the M/O collapse,
to makes you say: “I do not understand, its too mathematical” ... or put into words of any
other 41-prejudices for which your spirit and guts have been weakened.