OPTION Ijust trendy FIT 4 for the 21st Century;let’s begin with HEALTH OPTION IImakes inner sense
This introduction by Dr. Peter Meier; (auf DEUTSCH) points to the Kyäni Health-System up to LifeFulfilling Platforms: 
Who in and with his   m = Claims that allow LUST, and in FRUSTRATION and disappointment    A = violent Anger, and when having no success, in disappointment gets   G = guilty, overcome by remorse about having wasted one’s own life energy for OPTION I instead of X = one’s essential being for the fulfillment of which we are all here with our own lives. Those who do not accept their own X-Life’s TASK to improve the possibilities for life-fulfillment and thus be part of the solution, but instead fall by giving up on themselves, must face  increasing mAG-symptoms  leading to sickness, up to an unfulfilled life when death comes. Thus one is, as a social residual risk, part of the problem! In conclusion, this site is about the challenge of serving one’s mAG- emotions and those of fellow humans by going along with them with X-empathy. The purpose is to become free from OPTION I  (without substance, just the self- destructive pursuit for mass- attractivity), to get free with, for  OPTION II, Live- through Task- Fulfillment.
YOU have the necessary TIME for Task-Fulfillment  -  sufficient TIME for Life-Fulfillment
It is about   SPIRIT (conscience) based on Experience  knowing and having learnt, out of one’s Being to become, what one IS; a personally relevant Principle of Life, which wants to be fulfilled!   Soul (experience) wants Success with    Body (Vitality)in this world...  Science -> Products -> Methods -> Success
©Copyright 2014 except for personal usage, Dr. Peter Meier