Understand what Human SYSTEMS can be, and how that is still
inhibited under OPTION I - by Dr. Peter Meier
Please click the arrow below to understand the corruption of F9-8-7-6-5-4 / F3-2-1 due
to OPTION I for the next step in the presentation:
“Naturally” under OPTION I, people conditioned to the mass-
attractivity as the measure of all things, flip out accordingly at the
above image. Illusion based ones will say: “This does not
resonate with me!”, meaning with their illusions under the spell of
which they are themselves and trying to make others react to
please them, pretending they are sensitive, spiritual, esoteric...
And since the image does not convey immediate lust, lust- and
profit-driven people express their frustration over the apparent
complexity to understand human systems. They then throw out
the baby with the bathwater with: “I do not under-stand, any by
the way, humans are no system, but her to be happy... and the
The smart wordy intellectuals who default to the %-majority they
can rule, cultivate the prejudice against systems and under-
standing, to keep their target group beneath them, herded up
under their wordy systemics, so they can indulge in their privileges
on top of them and feel superior and thereby happily pseudo
fulfilled, until they are topped off according to the Peter-Principle at
the peak of their incompetence, resulting from defaulting to
others, by some ankle biters and whipper snippers who just rose
smarter under them in terms of the next trend - just like the rise
and fall of empires - when getting fragmented into their shadows
as ongoing after the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union, now after the
inside job of 9/11, with the oily US-empire...
©Copyright 2014 except for personal usage, Dr. Peter Meier
are entities that react to outer and inner inputs, a human one, more or less
consciously, on the experience levels, EL1-3 under OPTION I as follows:
On the lowest experience level EL1 human *3-react to inner illusions and
outer ?0-appearances up to forms of expressions as used here - the US
mentality (USM) with a desire to ride a trend...
-4 > +2
Based on EL1 prejudice/traumas, on EL2, away from -4 stress, towards +2 lust,
such as displacing symptoms onto a scapegoat, the USM, practicing the
succeeding in power games...
Moving on top of EL2, amplifying one’s definition power on EL3 to set the
theme as a problem for one’s serves/target group, the USM open heartedly to
covering up the hidden agenda with projective thinking to lead the mass to get a
profit out of them...
Real humans aware of their OPTION II, on EL4, are solution oriented based on
understanding each other transcending EL3, are striving for synergy rather
beyond the OPTION I social Darwinism, in order to overcome the still
prevailing organizations “living” on pre-trans-trapping (in the EL3 trap
suppressing the preceding EL1 equally, or as an even greater danger to
OPTION I like the transcending EL4-5 in order to keep people in EL2, under
OPTION I) real human beings. That is the task towards LifeFulfilling
Platforms on EL5 one’s shadow challenges each of us....
§1 §2 §3 §0 > B1-2-3-4-5...L3 the ethical scale that holds human systems together
%1 - %5 - %6
EL3 putting the %-mass in the service of demeaning substance
+2 -4
EL2 forcing the issue with prejudices and victim power
EL1 social Darwinism
Magic, curse, idolatry
Zeitgeist - the evilness of all being the same nothingness...
Have you ever experienced people who seemed to like you, while in fact ?0-idolizing you,
hoping to bewitch you to control you with their *3-ego to suddenly drop -4 very mean and
nasty, without any obvious reason, when their unconsciously hope for, but unspoken of
+2 return on investment did not turn up? Then the blaming in terms of %1 political
correctness up to divorce, murder and terror sets in to %5 manipulate the mass to side
with the parties up to court cases and wars. And then, to overcome it, a new tribe or
empire %6-projects a new ideology promising a New World Order for an New Age, in
hope say of the Arabic Spring and the like, just to end up deeper in chaos? And all this
in distrust of the Creator’s order, %1-pre-trans-trapping people’s §2-purpose and %5-
manipulating their thus corrupted §3-integrity, %6-projecting a pseudo- §0-sustainability,
+2 cannibalizing such political attempts for one’s *3-egoistic ?0-hidden agenda, and using
-4 victim power to force or undoing it! The result converges to the permanently self-
destructive predominant OPTION I zeitgeist void of all substance c, t, a, h, !...X, b, y and
thereby of the possibility to make sense out of it with a relevant system understanding.
And this hell is embellished as say, “nirvana”, nothingness which dissolves all, and the
evil evolution myth that life comes from nothing essential - all life like a black hole!
Distrust towards God the Creator, impatience with the order he
created of which each of us in one him- or herself, has lead to the
man-made OPTION I thinking catastrophe which has lead to the
human catastrophes. And this is now presented as the crown of
Creation beyond man himself! But in fact humanity has turned into
the cancer of Creation, in our living space, Earth, outer space
already also polluted, some debris on the moon and in other parts
of the solar system. In short most people leave a non sustainable
footprint on earth with little in return to heal the shadow on all forms
of life caused by man giving in to the evil OPTION I...
Please take your time to adequately understand how human systems,
people each other, can be understood and how the mainstream conditions
people to shriek back from it to uphold OPTION II at all cost... In short, It
is time for OPTION II as introduced here [YouTube video 2 min.]...
The US>flat mind begins 4-peacefully within the 1-very bad limitation of
OPTION I, the forerunner it is even close to the abyss! It is not yet to late for
the US-turnaround; it begins by c-profiling the 3-unsatisfactory state of the
being close to a failed state and getting there without c3 fulfilled in a L1=loving
engagement for OPTION II, now increasingly faster and with more global consequences.
That is why I address the t3-thinking of the USM about the 3-dissatis-faction for a B2-
breakthrough from the confinement of the OPTION I thinking-cata-strophe bred by the
Egypt temple priests and carried through the ages by the Roman empire and its
European predecessors - you get the idea, or want to go on with business as usual to
learn it the hard way?